W18x46 Beam Capacity: Concentrated Load, 16ft Span, A992 Steel

Published on September 12, 2024


A 16ft W18×46 beam of a A992 steel with lateral support at the compression flange at end supports only. A concentrated service liveload is applied 4ft from the left support. The bearimg length at the support is 4 inches and 8 inches at the concentrated load. The thickness of each bearing plate is 3/4 inch. Determine the maximum concentrated liveload that the beam may carry considering bending, shear, web crippling, and local web yielding. Neglect beam weight in all calculations.


Problem Statement:

Determine the maximum concentrated live load a W18×46 A992 steel beam can carry, considering bending, shear, web crippling, and local web yielding, given the following:
  • Beam: W18×46, A992 steel
  • Span: 16 ft (simply supported with lateral support at compression flange at ends only)
  • Load: Concentrated service live load
  • Load Location: 4 ft from the left support
  • Bearing Length at Supports: 4 inches
  • Bearing Length at Load: 8 inches
  • Bearing Plate Thickness: 3/4 inch
  • Neglect beam weight


We will analyze each failure mode separately and find the minimum load capacity, which will govern the design.
1. Bending Capacity:
  • Moment Calculation:
    • The maximum moment due to a concentrated load on a simply supported beam occurs at the load point.
    • Using the formula for the moment at a point load on a simply supported beam:
      • where:
        • P = Concentrated load
        • a = Distance from left support to load = 4 ft
        • b = Distance from right support to load = 12 ft
        • L = Span of the beam = 16 ft
      • ft-kips
  • Section Modulus:
    • Look up the section modulus ( ) for a W18×46 beam in the AISC Steel Construction Manual.
    • For a W18x46,
  • Nominal Flexural Strength (M_n):
    • where:
      • = Yield strength of A992 steel = 50 ksi
  • Design Flexural Strength (φM_n):
    • = 0.9 (for flexure)
  • Maximum Load Capacity (P_bending):
    • Equate the maximum moment due to the load to the design flexural strength:
2. Shear Capacity:
  • Shear Force Calculation:
    • The maximum shear force in a simply supported beam with a concentrated load occurs at the support closer to the load.
    • kips
  • Nominal Shear Strength (V_n):
    • where:
      • = Area of the web =
      • d = Depth of the beam (from AISC manual) = 18.0 in
      • = Web thickness (from AISC manual) = 0.415 in
      • = Shear coefficient (from AISC manual, typically 1.0 for beams without stiffeners)
  • Design Shear Strength (φV_n):
    • = 1.0 (for shear)
  • Maximum Load Capacity (P_shear):
    • Equate the maximum shear force due to the load to the design shear strength:
3. Web Crippling:
  • Bearing Strength at Support:
    • Check the web crippling at the support with the smaller bearing length (4 inches).
    • where:
      • N = Bearing length at support = 4 in
      • = Flange thickness (from AISC manual) = 0.695 in
  • Design Bearing Strength at Support (φR_n):
    • = 0.75 (for web crippling)
  • Maximum Load Capacity at Support (P_crippling_support):
    • Since the reaction at each support is half the total load:
  • Bearing Strength at Load Point:
    • Repeat the above calculations for the bearing length at the load point (8 inches).
    • You’ll find that the bearing strength at the load point is significantly higher than at the support, so it won’t govern the design.
4. Local Web Yielding:
  • Bearing Yield Strength:
  • Design Bearing Yield Strength (φR_n):
    • = 1.0 (for local yielding)
  • Maximum Load Capacity at Support (P_yielding_support):
    • Since the reaction at each support is half the total load:
5. Governing Load:
Comparing the maximum load capacities calculated for each failure mode:
The lowest value is .


The maximum concentrated live load that the W18×46 A992 steel beam can carry, considering all the specified failure modes, is 97.63 kips. The governing failure mode is bending.