W18x46 Beam Capacity: Concentrated Load, 16ft Span, A992 Steel

Published on September 12, 2024

Calculate the maximum concentrated live load a W18x46 A992 steel beam can support with a 16ft span, lateral support at ends, and a load 4ft from the left support. The bearing lengths are 4 inches at the supports and 8 inches at the load, with 3/4 inch bearing plates. The solution considers bending, shear, web crippling, and local web yielding, resulting in a maximum load capacity of 97.63 kips.


A 16ft W18×46 beam of a A992 steel with lateral support at the compression flange at end supports only. A concentrated service liveload is applied 4ft from the left support. The bearimg length at the support is 4 inches and 8 inches at the concentrated load. The thickness of each bearing plate is 3/4 inch. Determine the maximum concentrated liveload that the beam may carry considering bending, shear, web crippling, and local web yielding. Neglect beam weight in all calculations.
