Math Pattern: 2^6 x 2^6 = 2^11 + 2^11 and 3^8 x 3^8 = 3^15 + 3^15 + 3^15

Published on August 31, 2024



Okay, let’s analyze the given examples and try to produce more such examples and generalize the pattern.
Given Examples:
Understanding the Pattern:
Notice that in both examples:
  1. We are multiplying a number raised to a power by itself (squaring it).
  2. The result is the sum of the same number raised to a different power, repeated a certain number of times.
Let’s break down the first example:
  • (using the rule )
So, . The pattern holds.
Let’s analyze the second example:
Again, . The pattern holds.
Producing More Examples:
Let’s try with base 5 and exponent 4:
  • We need to find a power of 5 and a number of repetitions such that their sum equals . Let’s try repeated 5 times:
So, we have another example:
Let’s generalize the pattern using variables:
Let the base be ‘a’ and the exponent be ‘n’.
We need to find a power ‘m’ and a number of repetitions ‘a’ such that:
This implies that , so .
Generalized Form:
In words:
The square of a number raised to a power ‘n’ is equal to the sum of that number raised to the power ‘2n-1’, repeated ‘a’ (the base) times.